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Association de hockey mineur de Saint-Lambert (AHMSL)

Drawing inspiration from the mission of the Fédération de hockey sur glace du Québec, the Association de hockey mineur de Saint-Lambert (AHMSL) offers activities focused on helping its players, the Saint-Lambert Red Wings, learn how to play the game and have fun in a positive, safe and accessible environment.

The activities of the Saint-Lambert Red Wings teams are sanctioned by the regional organization Hockey Richelieu through the recreational (single letter) hockey league Les rives du Richelieu.

The annual registration period begins in June and ends in August. Hockey activities (selection camps, lessons, training sessions and regular season) start in September and continue until spring break. This is followed by participation in the playoffs, which can last through to August.

For more information, contact the organization directly via its website at: https://www.ahmstlambert.com/fr/contact.html

Photos of the organization


Aréna Eric-Sharp 600, avenue Oak, Saint-Lambert (Québec) J4P 2R6

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