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Association des femmes diplômées des universités – AFDU Montérégie

The Association des femmes diplômées des universités – AFDU Montérégie, a not-for-profit organization founded in 2018, promotes education for girls and women from all backgrounds and walks of life. It is a member of the Table de concertation des groupes de femmes de la Montérégie and of the Québec Council of University Women’s Clubs (AFDUs) and is affiliated with the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW). Not all its volunteer members necessarily hold university diplomas because vocational and technical training are also valued. It welcomes associate members and members-at-large, as well as men who share its mission.

By awarding scholarships, it supports high school graduates who are going on to post-secondary studies or women doing continuing education courses. It also organizes social and cultural activities, with any surplus proceeds from these activities helping to fund these scholarships.

Through its Facebook page and its lectures, it informs and disseminates research findings on the gender-based approach in education, and earns recognition for women’s contribution to society in terms of enhancing the “living together” experience. It promotes “Days to Fight Violence Against Women” and “International Women’s Rights Day.” The rights of indigenous women in Quebec and their access to post-secondary education represent another of its concerns.

It seeks to increase the presence of women in decision-making jobs in the cultural, financial and political spheres.

It also promotes culture and peace through education and the dissemination of research on the topic

Photos of the organization


617, avenue Mercille
Saint-Lambert (Québec) J4P 2M1

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