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The Saint-Lambert swim team – Blue Machine

The Saint-Lambert swim team) is committed to giving each swimmer, regardless of level, the means to reach his or her full potential through competitive swimming.

Thanks to a healthy and challenging environment, a team of qualified coaches, and learning content that focusses – right from the early stages – on the specific demands of competition, we offer all our swimmers the skills and knowledge they need to achieve, with the Blue Machine, their dream of excellence.

The Équipe de natation de Saint-Lambert, a not-for-profit organization, was founded in 1952 for the purpose of offering young people the best conditions for practising competitive swimming at regional, provincial, national and international levels.

Our goal is to support the technical skill development and personal growth of each and every swimmer as they strive to reach their objectives, and to give everyone access to competitive activities geared to excellence.

To achieve this goal, we pursue a three-part mission:

A mission of moral education: a healthy mind
Through the daily transmission of a state of mind, values and virtues that extend well beyond the sports context:

  • confidence
  • respect
  • enthusiasm
  • determination, and
  • perseverance

Amission of physical education: a healthy body
By encouraging the regular practice of sports, focussing on the optimal psychomotor development of each swimmer, and raising awareness of the benefits of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

A mission of excellence
Depending on each individual’s qualities, ambitions and learning pace, our objective is to offer all our swimmers a framework, structures and resources that help them make use of their full potential. Today, the Blue Machine has been rewarded for its quality work as witnessed by the numerous Provincial Champions and Canadian Champions titles (in age categories such as the Masters) it holds, as well as its medal winners in Canadian Senior Championships, its Canadian and provincial records, and a team that is on a first-name basis with elite Quebec swimmers in various competitions.mpionnats canadiens senior, des records canadiens, des records provinciaux, et une équipe qui tutoie régulièrement l’élite québécoise dans diverses compétitions.

Photos of the organization


600, avenue Oak
Saint-Lambert, Qc, Canada

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