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St. Lambert Choral Society


Founded in 1919, the St. Lambert Choral Society celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019, making it the first century-old choir in Québec.


To promote choral singing in Saint-Lambert and the Montérégie through its innovative programs available to a broad public.


Classical music, sacred works, opera arias and songs from various cultures around the world.

Awards and distinctions

Medal of the National Assembly and the Prix Lambertois de la culture in 2019.


Two concerts a year (December and May) under the direction of Gabrielle Gaudreault, conductor and artistic director since June 2022.


Pre-sales online and at Librairie Le Fureteur Saint-Lambert. At the door, on the day of the concert.


We are always looking for choristers for all sections. Do you have experience in choral singing, as well as basic, intermediate or advanced musical training, a good ear and an interest in performing great arias from the repertoire? If so, then this mixed, bilingual choir is perfect for you!


Every Tuesday from September to May, from 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. at Saint-Lambert’s multi-purpose centre (81 Hooper Street).

Donations and memberships

As a registered charity, we issue official receipts for tax purposes.

Board of directors

  • President: Louise Rousseau
  • Vice-president: Marie-Josée Chapdelaine
  • Treasurer: Jean-Jacques Grill
  • Secretary: Elizabeth Bourdon
  • Directors: Adeline Chrétien, Michel Girard and Marissa Halil

Photos of the organization


CP 36546
Saint-Lambert (Québec) J4P 3S8

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