Our sports, cultural and community organizations in action!

Take up the Family Eco-Challenge and become a winning family!

See the organization profile: Réseau écocitoyen de Saint-Lambert

This year, the City of Saint-Lambert will adopt an action plan to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Would you like to do your part, but feel helpless or don’t know where to start?

It is for you that the Climate Change Action Group (GACC) of the Ecocitizen Network is launching the Family Eco-Challenge, to help you better reduce your GHG emissions!

For 9 weeks, from April 9 to June 11, 2024, you will begin to achieve your eco-challenges, once your objectives have been determined and obstacles to change identified, while benefiting from simple tools and practical advice on 4 themes: Transport, Consumption, Food and Energy at home.

Families will be supported and monitored by volunteers from the Eco-Citizen Network.

Click the link to learn more and register!

Learn more: https://reseauecocitoyen.org/dossierwp/misenligne/ecodefi2024.php

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